Wool Coffins

A coffin is usually among the most expensive part of the death care process once someone if your family has passed on. Ranging an average of $4,500 in the States, coffins are usually wooden: polished cedar, cherry or oak crafted with perfect bevels and curves that adorn brass handlebars for the pallbearers could range even more expensive. When you’re looking for an economical choice for a coffin either for pets or people, wool coffins are the way to go.

Small Pets Depart – What Next

Often people dig out shoeboxes and have backyard burial services for the family hamster, gerbil or guinea pig once it’s time that they go. When small pets depart, there are very reasonable burial options that can honor traditional burial services. Wool coffins for small animals may cost around as much as a few cups of coffee from the café. By making the preparations though you’ll be setting a great example for your kids that all living things deserve a proper burial. Dog and cat sized wool coffins are available as well. While pets aren’t human, they’re friends just alike and deserve to be put to rest in some organized fashion where the family can all gain some closure on the passing.

Putting Your Passed in Comfort Before Burial

Either way between pets or people, when a dearly loved one departs this world, putting them to rest in comfort and style is important. Wool coffins are very plush with cotton interiors and a woolen frame. Additionally, the departed can rest in peace knowing that the coffin didn’t set the family back to the stone age, financially. Comparably to the $4,500 average cost of a coffin in the States, wool coffins range between $500 - $1,500. More elaborate designs and extras may run more, but even in the most expensive case, you probably won’t rack up a $4,500 bill with the textile company providing your custom wool coffin.

Wool Coffins for Departed People

One of the major features of attraction to a wool coffin is that it is ecologically responsible: if you know that the departed was concerned with the environment at all, this option may be a great way to honor one of their missions in life. Wool coffins decompose with the body rather than long after. They also do not release any nasty chemicals into the soil as they are not artificially dyed. Wooden coffins will leak chemicals from the polyurethane over the wood, the stain on it and many other sources of toxins made to beautify a casket before a departed’s final descent into the grave. If you know that the person being buried was a recycler, a water-preserver or any other minute kind of eco-conscious citizen, a wool coffin does a tremendous amount of good for the land that the cemetery borders. Whether for economy or the ecology, wool coffins are the best choice to send your departed family off in: the planet will thank you and so will the guests of the funeral.