Cremation Coffins
Cremation isn’t as strange as it used to be in the Western world. Nowadays, it is not at all unusual to opt for this method over a traditional burial. Commonly practiced in Asian cultures, Americans are now also embracing this practice for saying goodbye to the dead and it is no longer consider as a taboo.
Why Choose Cremation?
For other religions, it is unthinkable to undergo cremation as it is their belief that because you are burning the human body you will not be revived when the final judgment day comes. Of course, the opposite can be said for others wherein their religion dictates that only cremation is the accepted way of sending off loved ones to the next world. Whichever camp you belong to, there are respective options available for both. Looking at it from a practical (and non-religious) perspective, a cremation is a less expensive method over traditional burial. For one thing, you do not need to purchase a funeral plot, tombstone, and special coffin or casket. In fact, most families that choose cremation would use special inner cremation coffins and just rent the outer one during the wake. And because you do not have to invest in a funeral plot, you are not adding to the further development of rural areas into cemeteries, which has adverse effects on the surrounding wildlife.
Cremation Coffins and the Process of Cremation
Cremation coffins cannot be made up of heavy wooden materials since these would emit fumes during the burning process. Due to the fact that more people are becoming conscious of the environment, the use of cardboard has become a popular choice for cremation coffins. These are usually used inside the outer coffin and burned with the body. Because there are very specific guidelines on how cremation is done in the US, manufacturers have also started producing special cremation coffins that are specifically for burning. Because of this practice, outer coffins used for this purpose can be reused, which in turn, helps in reducing the unnecessary chopping down of trees for the purpose of making coffins. Cremations cannot be done just anywhere either, this will have to be done at licensed crematoriums outfitted with furnaces that have the capacity to disintegrate the corpse. These furnaces are also not designed to burn more than one body at any given time and doing so is illegal in the United States.