Jewish Coffins
Just as every cultural group, Jewish peoplehave their own way of carrying out funeral ceremonies. Jewish coffins are known for being very simple and lacking any kind of ornaments or adornments. Jews are strong believers of the Biblical verse that states that humans are dust and to dust they shall return: that is why their coffins are crafted in a way that they will allow the faster decay of the deceased. They are made with pine boards and they don’t contain any metal fasteners or screws.Rope is used for the handles. If anything, Jewish coffins are far more eco-friendly in comparison to other cultural coffins.
All Kosher Coffins
Jewish people tend to hold the uttermost respect for their laws because they have been in place for eons. Their belief states that men return to dust.When their coffinsare made, this belief is realized.They use all natural, eco-friendly materials to allow the decomposition of the body into “dust”. They also drill holes underneath the coffin which speeds up the decomposition rate. The lid is usually split into two panels that are fastened to the body with rods made of wood. The inside of the coffin is very plain unlike coffins from other cultures or religions.There is no soft cushion and there is no bed frame. The coffin is simply made to receive the body and later be laid to rest within the ground.
Traditional Hebrew Funerals
The Jewish people are serious about their traditions and that is why they follow burial rules. The rite of burial itself is considered sacred and must be carried out by a rabbi present. The first thing that Jewish people do is contact their rabbi in order for him to help arrange the funeral ceremony. It is their law that the body should be buried no later than 24 hours after death unless it happened on the Shabbat.If there are any special circumstances, the family should turn to the rabbi for guidance. The body also cannot be cremated, embalmed, used for organ donation, or be subject to an autopsy. Usually the funeral ceremony remains simple and brief.There is no viewing of the body and pallbearers carry the casket to a Jewish cemetery.
Saying Last Goodbyes
Unlike other traditions, Jewish law prohibits the body of the deceased to be viewed in public or in private. The funeral services are held at the synagogue but they can also take place at a funeral home or at the gravesite. Whenever the casket is carried to the gravesite, the pallbearers usually make seven stops before arriving at the site. The last goodbyes are mainly said in the form of prayers and chants. When the casket is cast downinto the ground,the Kaddish is recited at the grave.This ritual can be changed depending on the instructions from the rabbi. After the deceased is buried, the family mourns him or her for seven days and the mournerswill stay home from work/ school.